Saturday 24 June 2023

Oil price: the great stagnation

Oil price: the great stagnation
Having recorded more than 4% fall on Thursday, the price of oil has slipped back into the realm of stagnation, much to the frustration of traders and of course, beleaguered producers. As of 18:00 GMT on Friday, the prices of WTI and Brent were at $69.16 and $73.85 respectively.  On Thursday, the Gove…

Thursday 15 June 2023

Potential revival of Iranian Nuclear Deal: will the oil price be under further strain - again?

Potential revival of Iranian Nuclear Deal: will the  oil price be under further strain - again?
The price of oil remains static despite the production cuts announced by Saudi Arabia, the world's top exporter of crude  oil, recently. At present, it is far below where the Saudis want it to be, given the fact that that their breakeven price at present is above that of crude oil. Production cu…

Wednesday 7 June 2023

Oil price: have the production cuts placed OPEC+ under severe strain?

Oil price: have the production cuts placed OPEC+ under severe strain?
With the oil price rally that we saw on Monday being dubbed as one of the shortest of its kind, Saudi Arabia, the largest crude oil exporter in the world, has been left reeling from yet another shock from the unpredictable behaviour of  the commodity markets. As of 13:00 GMT on Wednesday, the prices…