Talks over 2015 Iranian nuclear deal: did Gaza conflict raise a new roadblock against the progress?


JCPOA talks in Vienna - 2015 Iran nuclear deal

The talks over the JCPOA, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, also known as 2015 Iran nuclear deal, which have been making steady progress, appeared to have hit a roadblock all of a sudden.

The signatories to the JCPOA and Iran already had four rounds of talks in Vienna.

According to a senior Russian diplomat, who participates in the talks, although talks make progress, they are difficult.

“So far so good but not easy. The work on restoration of the JCPOA continues, including during this weekend,” he summed up the mood of the ongoing discussions.

He, however, was still hopeful about a breakthrough in May, which remains to be seen.

Iranian media, meanwhile, questions the aptness of Vienna for having talks, citing Austria’s ‘insensitivity’ to the conflict in Gaza Strip: Austrian foreign ministry building erected the Israel flag in solidarity with the Jewish state and Iranian foreign minister cancelled the planned visit to Austria in protest against it last week.

Despite the unexpected gloom over the talks, there is a strong possibility of overcoming the latest hurdle: Russian and China are keen to get the talks rolling and the both nations maintain good, influential relationship with Iran.

The prolonged delay of an amicable solution, however, is in nobody’s interest: the presidential election in Iran is due to take place in June and a few conservative hardliners, including a former president, have already come forward for the contest.

Iran’s production of oil, meanwhile, continues to grow unabated, according to analysts. It’s an indication that Iran wants to get its market share back in the near future, as sanction-busting measures are no match for open trading in the international markets.

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