Monday 31 May 2021

Oil Price: the latent influence of talks over 2015 Iran nuclear deal

Oil Price: the latent influence of talks over 2015 Iran nuclear deal
The volatility of oil price continues despite the encouraging market factors, which usually are strong enough to keep it at a steady level in normal circumstances. The reality on the ground, however, is puzzling even the veterans in the sectors. Of course, these are not normal times; the pandemic ha…

Saturday 29 May 2021

Oil demand for next few decades in China: it shows no sign of abating!

Oil demand for next few decades in China: it shows no sign of abating!
Although there is plenty of news to make oil investors anxious about their future returns on investments recently, according to the latest analyses the world will still need oil for its survival around 2050, unless a miraculous substitute is around at that time. The above graphs shows how the crude …

Friday 28 May 2021

Crude Oil Markets: OPEC+ meeting next week may not rock the boat

Crude Oil Markets: OPEC+ meeting next week may not rock the boat
Crude oil price is back in the green territory, having been volatile for most part of yesterday in light of the data that came from India about its oil consumption – and the inevitable impact on its economy. By gathering data from three major sources, including statistics on the community mobility i…

Thursday 27 May 2021

Sudden fall in oil price: the three simple charts that explain the unexpected

Sudden fall in oil price: the three simple charts that explain the unexpected
The crude oil price fell on Thursday by a modest amount despite the presence of encouraging factors that usually bolster it. As this is the case, in order to catch a glimpse of the unexpected, it is worth looking at the latest EIA report, analysing the impact of Covid-19 on the Indian economy in ge…

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Revival of 2015 Iranian Nuclear Deal: roller coaster of talks reaches a peak on Wednesday

Revival of 2015 Iranian Nuclear Deal: roller coaster of talks reaches a peak on Wednesday
The rollercoaster of talks over the JCPOA, 2015 Iran nuclear deal, clearly is not short of peaks and troughs during its arduous journey spanning five distinct phases. In response, the price of crude oil fluctuated wildly during the last few days with misplaced fear about a supply glut due to the ar…

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Oil markets are stable despite the mixed signals over 2015 Iranian nuclear deal

Oil markets are stable despite the mixed signals over 2015 Iranian nuclear deal
The volatility in the crude oil markets, which we saw in the aftermath of President Hassan Rouhani’s public disclosure that the sanctions against Iran would be lifted, has since subsided; the prices of crude oil are in equilibrium with relatively mild fluctuations. Since the politics in the Middle E…

Monday 24 May 2021

Oil Price: the CEO of Baker Hughes expresses cautious optimism while Iranians wait for the light end of the tunnel

Oil Price: the CEO of Baker Hughes expresses cautious optimism while Iranians wait for the light end of the tunnel
A member of a powerful parliament committee in Iran, a cleric, according to the Iranian media, has said whatever agreed upon in Vienna, must be approved by the Iranian parliament – in the end. It echoes the concerns of the moderates in the Iranian administration about the delicate balance that the …

Saturday 22 May 2021

Oil price: crude oil markets ride out the short-lived volatilty

Oil price: crude oil markets ride out the short-lived volatilty
Investors and traders alike could breathe a sigh of relief by the afternoon, yesterday, as the crude oil markets found its equilibrium again, having been through a short period of volatility, the previous day – finally. It’s either the news of the sanctions against Iran being lifted or the report f…

Friday 21 May 2021

Crude oil price: charts turn green from red in less than 24 hours with strong recovery

Crude oil price: charts turn green from red in less than 24 hours with strong recovery
After a day of market mayhem, crude oil price reached where it should be today, much to the delight of the investors in the sector. After the Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani announced that a deal is reached with what he called, ‘world powers’, oil price tumbled yesterday, coming down by more than …

Thursday 20 May 2021

Oil price tumbles on the news of a breakthrough in 2015 Iranian nuclear deal

Oil price tumbles on the news of a breakthrough in 2015 Iranian nuclear deal
Crude oil prices took a dive on Thursday when Hassan Rouhani, the Iranian president signalled that world powers have agreed to lift the sanctions against Iran. Although President Rouhani did not spell out the details of the deal, the markets that had been edgy throughout the day following the bombsh…

Reviving 2015 Iran nuclear deal: the parties seem to be tantalisingly close to a deal

Reviving 2015 Iran nuclear deal: the parties seem to be tantalisingly close to a deal
As the signatories to the JCPOA, 2015 Iran nuclear deal, meet in the 5 th round of talks in Vienna in order to resolve the lingering thorny issues, the head of the Iranian delegation sounded optimism on Wednesday. It is a sentiment shared by Iran’s government-controlled media too; Russia, an ally of …

Wednesday 19 May 2021

Oil Price: disappearing glut and strong demand to keep the price at a sustainable level

Oil Price: disappearing glut and strong demand to keep the price at a sustainable level
The IEA, the International Energy Agency, caused something more than a stir in the oil markets yesterday when it said the kind of things that the investors in the sector should pursue if they really want to see net-zero-goal by 2050; it says this year should be the last year for investing in the oi…

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Arrival of Iranian oil to the markets: investors show no panic - for a reason

Arrival of Iranian oil to the markets: investors show no panic - for a reason
Crude oil markets are bracing themselves for the arrival of Iranian oil in proportion to the growing positive sentiments, both in Vienna and Tehran about a potential, mutually-acceptable solution to the JCPOA, 2015 Iranian nuclear deal. The talks that entered the 5ths phase had been going on for wee…

Monday 17 May 2021

Talks over 2015 Iranian nuclear deal: did Gaza conflict raise a new roadblock against the progress?

Talks over 2015 Iranian nuclear deal: did Gaza conflict raise a new roadblock against the progress?
The talks over the JCPOA, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, also known as 2015 Iran nuclear deal, which have been making steady progress, appeared to have hit a roadblock all of a sudden. The signatories to the JCPOA and Iran already had four rounds of talks in Vienna. According to a senior Ru…

Sunday 16 May 2021

Revival of the 2015 Nuclear Deal: talks to continue in Vienna despite Middle East Tension

Revival of the 2015 Nuclear Deal: talks to continue in Vienna despite Middle East Tension
Although Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Iranian foreign minister, avoided visiting Vienna, the Austrian capital, in protest against the European nation’s sympathy towards Israel, the team involved in talks to revive the JCPOA, the 2015 nuclear deal, are to stay in the city. Mr Zarif cited the display of …

Friday 14 May 2021

Crude oil price to remain stable, despite the conflict in the Middle East and Covid-19 surges in Asia

Crude oil price to remain stable, despite the conflict in the Middle East and Covid-19 surges in Asia
The crude oil price rally continues with occasional fluctuations which are completely understandable. The market concerns remain, though: the conflict between the Palestinians and Israel enter the fifth day with the infrastructure in the Gaza Strip taking a heavy hit from the aerial bombardments; t…

Thursday 13 May 2021

Unresolved Houthi Issue: the latest factor that could determine crude oil price

Unresolved Houthi Issue: the latest factor that could determine crude oil price
While Israel is under serious threat by the rockets fired from Gaza strip by Hamas, Saudi Arabia was not spared by the Houthi rebels even on the most important day in the Islamic calendar, the Eid. Saudi security forces said on Thursday that they intercepted eight explosive-laden drones and three ba…

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Crude oil price rises unabated despite the tension in the Middle East

Crude oil price rises unabated despite the tension in the Middle East
The conflict in the Middle East involving the Palestinians and the IDF, the Israeli Defence Forces, is depressing to watch as innocent lives are lost on both sides with substantial damage to infrastructure. It’s unfortunate that the fighting broke out in the run up to Eid, the most important festiv…

Tuesday 11 May 2021

Jet fuel price crosses the break-even mark as momentum builds up in the air travels

Jet fuel price crosses the break-even mark as momentum builds up in the air travels
With the impending relaxation of travel restrictions, the airlines are optimistic that the days before getting air travel to pre-pandemic level is not just a pigment of imagination of the industry any more. The mood has never been positive this much during the last 18 months since the world went int…

Monday 10 May 2021

Oil price closer to $70 a barrel: it's more realistic, sustainable and better than pursuing unrealistic goals

Oil price closer to $70 a barrel: it's more realistic, sustainable and better than pursuing unrealistic goals
Crude oil price that has been rising for the past three weeks at a slower, but steady rate, appears to be facing a formidable ceiling to slip through - for months. Although the analysts from certain investment banks have been predicting a price, ranging from $80 to $100 a barrel this year, in realit…

Saturday 8 May 2021

Crude oil markets welcome warming releations between India and Saudi Arabia

Crude oil markets welcome warming releations between India and Saudi Arabia
With a series of tweets – more than 5 – Dharmendra Pradhan, the Indian oil minister thanked Saudi Arabia and other Gulf nations for supplying India with LMO, liquid medical oxygen, in its hour of need. The Gulf nations are going to continue to supply the LMO for the next six months, according to the…

Thursday 6 May 2021

Crude oil price got the best boost from the EIA: US crude stocks showed significant draw last week

Crude oil price got the best boost from the EIA: US crude stocks showed significant draw last week
Crude oil price rose for the fourth successive day this week with the prospect of hitting $70 a barrel being close to reality. On Thursday, it got a significant boost from the latest crude inventory data from the EIA, the US Energy Information Administration: the EIA says there was a draw of 8 milli…